Haptic Polymer Testing: A Method for Evidence-Based Material Perception Measurement These data refers to a validation study of a method for evidence-based material haptic perception measurement. Six representative polymers in two surface finishes with a test subject sample of N = 48 are utilized. The data refer to the characterization of the following materials: PP (520P; SABIC(R); Saudi Arabia) PA 6 (Ultramid(R) B3S; BASF; Germany) LDPE (2102TX00; SABIC(R); Saudi Arabia) PLA (Ingeo(TM) Biopolymer 3052D; NatureWorks; USA) TPS (Tuftec(TM) H1221; Asahi Kasei; Japan): Two blend samples PP+TPS 75 % + 25 % and PP+TPS 25 % + 75 % The polymer and blend samples were each produced in a matt and leather-like surface finish. The analysis is performed using IBMs SPSS (version 241). SPSS data, syntax and an output files are included: DataSet1.sav - Non-aggregated dataset (12 x 48 cases) DataSet2.sav - Aggregated material Dataset (12 cases) DataSet3.sav - Test subject related data Figures.spv Syntax.sps Furthermore, Excel files are included for the calculation of omega squared (ω^2), which is not possible in SPSS (S. Troncoso Skidmore, B. Thompson, Bias and precision of some classical ANOVA effect sizes when assumptions are violated, Behav Res 45 (2013) 536-546. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-012-0257-2): 1_ω2_material_attraction.xls 2_ω2_surface_roughness.xls 3_ω2_polymer_AP.xls 4_ω2_polymer_elasticity.xls 5_ω2_polymer_attraction.xls