The folder 'concave silicon structure' contains two .h5 measurements which contain the raw data from the measurements of the concave structure related to the results shown in figures 5, 6 and 7. The file titled 'full' is the measurement with full aperture illumination while the title 'A3' relates to the measurement with the ring aperture. The folder 'flat mirror' containes the measurements of the flat mirror surface related to figures 3 and 4. The titles 'full', 'A1', 'A2' and 'A3' relate to the different illumination apertures. In order to read the data i.e. in python they need to be reshaped to the correct order. The dataset name in the h5-file is 'Images'. Below an example for a python is given: import h5py Images=h5py.File('filename','r') data=Images.get('Images')[()] data = data.reshape(len(data[0,0,:]),len(data[0,:,0]), len(data[:,0,0])) data= data[:,:,:]