Name: Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Data type: Real and multivariable data ------------------------------------------------------------------ Associated tasks: Regression ------------------------------------------------------------------ Authors: Farzad Rezazadeh, Axel Dürrbaum, Andreas Kroll University of Kassel Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Measurement and Control Amin Abrishambaf, Gregor Zimmermann G.tecz Engineering GmbH QuantumFusion GmbH ------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstract: Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) possesses mechanical characteristics that significantly outperform traditional concrete. However, replicating these properties consistently across different production batches—even when using the same recipe—remains a challenge. This dataset examines how variations in raw materials, environmental conditions, dosage variation, and both mixing and curing practices affect the mechanical properties of UHPC produced from a single reference formulation. Designed according to a three-phase design of experiments methodology, the dataset comprises 150 systematically planned experiments, offering a comprehensive view of the multiple factors influencing UHPC quality. Measurements of compressive and flexural strengths are provided at 24 hours and after 28 days post-mixing. Beside the mechanical properties, the dataset includes five characteristics of the fresh concrete, measured directly after each mixing process. All experiments were conducted in the laboratory of G.tec Engineering GmbH under controlled conditions, using the same mixer, same mixing tool, and the same team of technicians. The environment is maintained at a constant temperature of 20 °C throughout the experimental process. From each experiment, three specimens are cured under the designed conditions. First, the flexural strength is measured by carefully halving each of the three specimens. Then, the resulting six halves are used to measure the compressive strength. Finally, after a careful analysis of the results from each specimen, the averages for flexural and compressive strengths are reported. The dataset also includes outliers. After analysis by UHPC experts and the data science team, 11 data points (numbered 5, 17, 30, 36, 41, 47, 57, 99, 101, 128, and 148) were identified and removed as outliers to assure data quality. By offering a structured collection of high-dimensional data and given its relatively small size, this dataset is particularly suitable for testing regression methods, notably those addressing sparse data scenarios. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Data characteristics: All experiments were performed with the same mixing equipment under controlled environmental conditions for both material storage and production, thus minimizing seasonal variations. The mixer chamber was held at approximately 20 °C, and its temperature was verified before each experiment to reduce external influences on the mixing process. The trials were conducted following a three-phase Design of Experiments framework, and the dataset remains in raw (unscaled) form. Dataset includes missing values. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Data summary: Number of instances (observations): 150 Number of inputs: 13 (10 quantitative input variables, 3 qualitative input variables) Number of mixing and fresh state attributes: 6 (1 quantitative power consumption during mixing variable, 5 quantitative fresh state variables) Number of outputs: 4 (Compressive and flexural strengths at 24 h and 28 days after the mixing process) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable information: Component 1: Delivery batch time [Qualitative: 1 or 2] --> 1: Material delivery for the screening phase. 2: Material delivery for the rest of the experiments. Component 2: Curing temperature days 2-28 in °C Component 3: Curing class days 2-28 [Qualitative: 1 or 2] --> 1: Maintaining the specimens in plastic film. 2: Submerging the specimens in water. Component 4: Ingredient moisture in Kg/(15 liter) Component 5: Sand type I in Kg/(15 liter) Component 6: Sand type II in Kg/(15 liter) Component 7: Filler type I in Kg/(15 liter) Component 8: Filler type II in Kg/(15 liter) Component 9: Superplasticizer in Kg/(15 liter) Component 10: Curing temperature day 1 in °C Component 11: Curing class day 1 [Qualitative: 1 or 2] --> 1: Storing the specimens in a humidity-controlled cabinet at 90 % relative humidity. 2: Covering the specimens with plastic film. Component 12: Ingredient temperature in °C Component 13: Graphite in Kg/(15 liter) Component 14: Average electrical power consumption (mixing process) in kW Component 15: Temperature (fresh state) in °C Component 16: Electrical conductivity (fresh state) in V --> A 12-bit ADC with a 5 V reference converts raw counts to voltage via (X * 5/2048). Component 17: Air content (fresh state) in % Component 18: Slump flow (fresh state) in s Component 19: Funnel runtime (fresh state) in s Component 20: Compressive strength day 1 in MPa Component 21: Compressive strength day 28 in MPa Component 22: Flexural strength day 1 in MPa Component 23: Flexural strength day 28 in MPa ------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Reuse of this database is unlimited with retention of copyright notice.