Jung, Lisa0000-0003-0048-36152023-11-032023-11-03https://daks.uni-kassel.de/handle/123456789/6110.48662/daks-30Data were collected in 20 commercial laying hen flocks at three different time-points. Before depopulation on the farm, at the slaughterhouse arrival and at the slaughter line after defeathering. Included were different genetics of conventional as well as organic housing systems. Aim of the study was to develop an automatically camera system for the detection of keel bone damage and skin lesions each. As a part of it we had to check if prevalences assessed at the slaughter line are equal to those existing on farm.engCreative Commons Attribution 4.0https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Prävalences207-07 Tierzucht, Tierhaltung, Tierhygiene630Can the assessment of skin lesions and keel bone damage at the slaughterhouse tell about hen welfare on-farm? [Dataset]DatasetKnierim, UteBundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft04jw21793Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)04jw21793