Jung, Lisa0000-0003-0048-36152023-11-032023-11-03https://daks.uni-kassel.de/handle/123456789/6210.48662/daks-31We assessed data in 8 different farms in Germany that kept local chicken breeds to evaluate the presence of keel bone fractures and deviations. Assessments were done by palpation. Sample sizes differed between the 13 included breeds and between farms. Finally, we showed that laying hens, roosters and pullets were affected by keel bone damage, but less heavier and partly with lower prevalence compared to those one can find in literature for commercial hybrids.engCreative Commons Attribution 4.0https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Keel bone damage207-07 Tierzucht, Tierhaltung, Tierhygiene630Presence of keel bone damage in laying hens, pullets and roosters of local chicken breeds [Dataset]DatasetHinrichs, DirkThiemann, IngaHillermacher, SonjaKeine