Winkler, Julian0000-0001-8556-07762023-08-092023-08-09 Potato Beetles and larvae were counted visually on the whole plants in three small-scale trials conducted from 2019 to 2021 and three farm-scale trials conducted in 2021 and 2022 in Germany. Fifteen plants per plot in small-scale trials and eighteen plants per plot in farm-scale trials were observed on several dates, starting from the day when the first eggs were observed in the field. The whole plant was searched, and all leaves were gently turned over to record all individuals and their respective life stages.<br /> <br /> Small-scale field trials were set up at the experimental farm of the University of Kassel in Neu-Eichenberg (51°22'48"N 9°54'41"E) with plot sizes of 6 m x 15 m (2019) and 4.5 m x 13 m (2020, 2021). Fields are about 235 m above sea level and soil is characterized as loam. The trials were arranged according to a randomized complete block design with four replicates. In 2019, each replicate once again consisted of two plot repetitions. The small-scale field trials 2020 and 2021 were integrated into a long-term trial with reduced tillage since 2016. In these two trials, in contrast to the other trials, a compensatory fertilisation with hair meal pellets corresponding to 100 kg N/ha was applied in the control. <br /> <br /> Farm-scale field trials were integrated into the potato cultivation of commercial farms and had a considerably larger plot size of 18 m x 28 m. Fields of the farm Naturhof Stieg were involved in the study in 2021b (51°24'13"N, 9°57'55"E) and 2022 (51°24'11"N, 9°59'20"E). The fields are located about 215 m and 340 m above sea level respectively and have a loamy soil. The trial at the farm Biolandhof Reulein und Schöne was conducted in 2021a in the Werra valley at an altitude of about 150 m above sea level (51°17'09"N, 9°57'46"E) in sandy loam. The farm-scale field trials were set up as randomized complete block designs with four replicates in 2021a, 2022 and three in 2021b.engCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Pflanzenzüchtung, Pflanzenpathologie630Reduction of Colorado Potato Beetle with Various Mulch Materials at Farm Level [Dataset]Dataset