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- University of Kassel's research data repository

is the institutional repository of the University of Kassel for research data. It offers structured storage of research data alongside with descriptive metadata, long-term archiving for at least 10 years and – if requested – the publication of the dataset with a DOI.

is managed by the university library and the IT Service Centre of the University of Kassel. It is hosted at Philipps-Universität Marburg. We are happy to advise you via


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Research Data
Impact of a single-side 100Cr6 clad layer on the tensile and fatigue properties of S550MC steel [Dataset]
(Universität Kassel) Krochmal, Marcel; Wegener, Thomas; Niendorf, Thomas
The production of newly developed hot-rolled layered metal composites (LMC) leads to the availability of sheet materials with specifically adjustable, graded properties being cost-effective and suitable for large-scale production. As many of the envisaged applications of these LMC, e.g., clutch disc carriers, suffer from cyclic loading during service life, a fundamental knowledge of the fatigue behavior is required in order to ensure safe and reliable application of the components. Therefore, the study described in focuses on the fatigue behavior of a hot-rolled two-layer LMC consisting of a S550MC substrate layer and a 100Cr6 clad layer. In order to investigate the influence of the clad layer, two conditions are directly compared, i.e., the two-layer laminate cladded steel and the single-layer substrate condition.
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Research Data
Product Material Footprint: Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method
(University of Kassel) Mostert, Clemens; Glanz, Dilan; Sameer, Husam; Bringezu, Stefan
This data set contains the characterization factors (CF) for determining the indicators of the material footprint, Raw Material Input (RMI) and Total Material Requirement (TMR) using the life cycle assessment method, Product Material Footprint (PMF), as applied in the research project “Rohstoffaufwand in ÖKOBAUDAT” of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development.
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Research Data
Climate change impacts on maize in Cameroon: A combined adaptation and attribution study. [Dataset]
(Universität Kassel) Jansen, Lennart; Undorf, Sabine; Gornott, Christoph
APSIM crop modelling output and underlying data for the study published by Jansen et al. in Environmental Research Letters (2025). DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ada459
Dataset contains APSIM crop modelling output for all scenarios and cultivar heat tolerance adaptations as well as the growing season agroclimatic indices. Data are ordered by respective grid ID which are geolocated in the accompanying shapefile. Variable acronyms and units are explained in the README files.
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Research Data
Surface slope measurement of steep silicon V-grooves using high NA Linnik interferometry [Dataset]
(Universität Kassel) Künne, Marco; Pahl, Tobias; Ribotta, Luigi; Giura, Andrea; Zucco, Massimo; Murataj, Irdi; Ferrarese Lupi, Federico; Lehmann, Peter
This dataset containes raw measurement data from a coherence scanning interferometer of the Linnik type. Two 0.95 NA objectives were used for this measurement. The wavelength used for all these measurements is 440 nm and the step size between every z-step is 20 nm. The measured sample contains several V-groove structures etched into silicon. The structure shown in the corresponding publication is the central V-groove structure.
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Research Data
Agroecological pest control through mulch in potatoes - Delayed population development of Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Dataset]
(Universität Kassel) Weiler, Christiane
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is one of the most relevant pests in potato cultivation and even in organic potatoes, it is often managed using pesticides. Mulching potatoes represents an alternative to reduce egg masses and larvae of L. decemlineata. In three 4-fold replicated field trials with unmulched control plots (a) in comparison to plots mulched with grass-clover (b) or triticale-vetch (c) the effects on L. decemlineata population dynamics were assessed. In 2020 and 2021, larvae and their respective developmental stage of L. decemlineata were recorded twice weekly on 30 marked potato plants per plot. In 2022 assessments took place 3 times during the season on 16 plants per plot. To examine the influence of changed microclimatic conditions due to mulching, temperature loggers were installed 15 cm above the canopy and belowground. The number of larvae of L. decemlineata was significantly reduced on average by 65 % in the mulched treatments and higher larval stages occurred later and in lower numbers compared to the unmulched plots. In 2022, also a significant reduction of second-generation adults of L. decemlineata could be observed. During warm and hot weather, the canopy temperatures in the mulched plots considerably exceeded those of the unmulched plots, often reaching peak temperatures well above the optimum for L. decemlineata development. Mulching leads either to delayed or reduced immigration of adult beetles as well as potentially to slower egg and larval development.