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SimBench—A Benchmark Dataset of Electric Power Systems to Compare Innovative Solutions Based on Power Flow Analysis


SimBench is a benchmark data set for solutions in grid analysis, grid planning and grid operation management. This data set is intended to make developments of new methods and solutions independent of non-publicly available individual grid data sets to ensure reproducability, comparability, and transparency of various developments in this field.
The SimBench data, the methodology on how it is generated, application examples and more can be found in the SimBench documentation. SimBench codes uniquely denote a selection of a electric power grid or a combination of grids from the entire SimBench data set. This makes it simple and concise, completely transparent and comprehensible which grid data is applied. The SimBench code consists of six parts, which are separated by "-": SimBench version, selected voltage level(s), urbanization character of the highest selected voltage level, subnet number of the lower voltage grid, selected scenario, switch representation. For further explanation of the SimBench code and thus for choosing which grid you want to select from the SimBench data set for your use case, please refer to 20190619_SimBench_Kurzzusammenfassung slide 12 or the documentation chapter "SimBench code".


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Meinecke, Steffen; Klettke, Annika; Drauz-Mauel, Simon; Braun, Martin; Spalthoff, Christian; Sprey, Julian; Kittl, Chris; Moser, Albert; Cronbach, Dennis; Rehtanz, Christian; van Leeuwen, Tobias; Bornhorst, Nils; Lauven, Lars-Peter; Kneiske, Tanja M.; Sarajlić, Džanan. SimBench—A Benchmark Dataset of Electric Power Systems to Compare Innovative Solutions Based on Power Flow Analysis. DaKS.


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