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Research Data

Heat Load Profiles in Industry and the Tertiary Sector: Correlation with Electricity Consumption and Ex Post Modeling (Supplemental Data)


This is the dataset relative to the research article "Heat Load Profiles in Industry and the Tertiary Sector: Correlation with Electricity Consumption and Ex Post Modeling". It contains two types of graphs for 82 industrial companies and large consumers from tertiary sector for the years 2018 and 2019:

Type 1 - Original Load Profiles and Correlation: (a): Normalized heat load profile with a daily resolution. The daily heat consumption is normalized to the mean heat consumption on working days with a mean ambient temperature of 8 °C. (b): Normalized electricity consumption with a daily resolution. The daily electricity consumption is normalized to the maximum daily heat consumption. (c): Normalized daily heat consumption versus normalized daily electricity consumption.

Type 2 - Prediction: (a): Real load profile and prediction of the ex ante 3 model . The ex ante 3 model is based on a linear regression. (b): Ex ante 3 prediction of daily heat consumption versus real daily heat consumption. (c): Real load profile and prediction of the ex post 1 model . The ex post 1 model combines a linear regression and a shallow learning (NuSVR) approach. (d): Ex post 1 prediction of daily heat consumption versus real daily heat consumption. (e): Real load profile and prediction of the ex post 2 model . The ex post 2 model is deep learning (LSTM) model. (f): Ex post 2 prediction of daily heat consumption versus real daily heat consumption.


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Jesper, Mateo; Pag, Felix; Vajen, Klaus; Jordan, Ulrike. (2022). Heat Load Profiles in Industry and the Tertiary Sector: Correlation with Electricity Consumption and Ex Post Modeling (Supplemental Data). DaKS. http://dx.doi.org/10.48662/daks-9


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