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Verbraucherpräferenzen für (Bio-) Äpfel mit unterschiedlichen äußeren Schalenqualitäten (PSSYSTEMBIOOBST)


This data set is an online consumer survey conducted in Germany in June 2020. A standardised survey including a contingent rating records the purchase frequencies, attitudes, preferences and willingness to pay of consumers for (organic) apples with varying degrees of visual blemishes (commercial class I, commercial class II, suboptimal). The adjusted data set contains 842 people.

The participants were recruited by a private market research agency in an online access panel according to the following criteria

  • (Jointly) responsible for food purchases
  • At least occasional consumption of organic food
  • Consumption of apples
  • Age 18 to 75 years, distribution as representative as possible for Germany
  • As representative a distribution as possible by region in Germany
  • Approximately 60-70% women, as even today more women are responsible for grocery shopping.
  • People who worked in agriculture or market research were excluded.


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Hueppe, Ronja; Zander, Katrin. (2020). Verbraucherpräferenzen für (Bio-) Äpfel mit unterschiedlichen äußeren Schalenqualitäten (PSSYSTEMBIOOBST). DaKS.


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